Friday, April 6, 2012


They say necessity is the mother of invention. This is no less true for those of us whose talents lie in the area of art and design. Case in point. Several years ago my wife and I made the decision to sell our starter home and move to the country. The housing market was already taking a turn for the worse. The problem was how to make our home stand out from similar properties in our area. Solution? I designed and printed a handful of 12-page booklets as giveaways to everyone who toured our house. I tried to incorporate all the information a would-be home-owner might want to know about a prospective property. The first spread (shown below) showed a detailed floor plan of our home complete with room-by-room dimensions. This I followed by pages with interior and exterior shots of our home. Next I dedicated a page to showing the monthly electric and gas bills over the last year. I noted our yearly property tax rate, a list of upgrades we had done to the property and finished off with a full-color diagram of our entire property, detailing the placement of everything from shrubs to the shed. The result? Within 15 days we got a winning offer from a couple whose husband at the time was stationed on a six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan. As his wife later related, the booklet cinched the deal helping him feel confident in the decision to buy even from the other side of the world! 
       The sky is the limit when it comes to ways I can turn my design talents into a means for achieving your goals. See more examples by clicking: